Calhoun County Committee On Aging
. . . moving onward
December Activities
November Birthdays
Veteran Dinner
October Fun
September Birthdays
August Birthdays
Gae Bailey
July Birthdays
Ford and Randy Wilson
Standing: Virginia Simmons and Jacky Rogers
Seated: Linda Crawford and Janet Stewart
Busy June!
May Birthdays
Standing: Jeanie Smith, Jim Welch
Seated: Madeline Lamp, Velma Barnes
Mother's Day Door Prize Winners
Fun Times in April!
Happy Easter!
the Hammons and the Easter Bunny
Crazy Hat Day Winners
Alta Mae Richards, Ray Tingler, Joann Ward, Patty Little
Maple Syrup Time at Minnora Site
March Birthdays
Standing: Cindy McCartney
Seated: Bill Barr, Sally Hashman
Seated: Marty Park, Sharon Knotts
St. Patrick's Day Fun!
Easter Wreath Craft
Violet Williams & Patty Sims
February Excitement at Minnora Site
Walter Cain farewell party; Snacks with Gae Bailey & Pat Murphy; Birthday party for Eugene Parsons
February Birthdays
Wanda Carpenter, Joann Ward and Amber Blair
CCCOA Sweethearts
Iline Compton & Norma Gumm
January Birthdays
Carol Cozart and Julia Ray
Three N One performed
Craft Class with Hazel
Wanda Carpenter, Hazel Tingler, Patty Sims, and Violet William make scissor holders at the CCCOA
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